Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Carpe The Moment

Opportunity is a word used to describe the unexplainable. It is a word used to describe the moments when your hopes, desires, wants, and wishes collide on a universally eternal scale with your potential, power, divinity, and future. Any moment in time and and space can be the moment where these factors meet each other; in fact, these moments happen so often it would blow your mind. These moments are happening from the time you open your eyes and take your first step in the morning to the time you close your eyes and dream your first dream at night. These moments are the kindling to the explosive god inside of you waiting to come out, expecting to come out, screaming at you every step of the way to let it out. And often when these moments occur you don't recognize them, you don't perceive them, and they pass without your ever knowing that there was a different world staring at you in the face.
Tonight at work I told a guy that I had interviewed for a sales rep position and he asked me why I liked sales: that moment was another moment in the time of my eternity and the space in my heaven which I had to seize, to swear an oath to my future that I would do everything in my power to unleash, unlock, loosen, free, pry open the gates that hold in my wealth. Not a wealth of gold, but of love. Not a wealth of things, but of life. Life's wealth is not found in success as defined by money, homes, cars, and things, but is wealth as defined by our soul as love, intimacy, desire, and passion.
These moments of seemingly small proportion are in fact epic in nature because the nature of their happenstance is the same nature that resides within the locked boundaries of our divinity. We are allowed to search, to seek, and to find that which we are looking for. In the end, or in the beginning we may realize that what we are seeking turns out to be only that which we thought we were seeking, and what we thought we were seeking was only that which we thought we were seeking because we were convinced by someone or something of lesser eternal perpetuity that the object of our search was the object of our divinity; in reality it is only the object of greatest weakness: our eyes. What we see around us often becomes the reality we accept because we forget our godness and think only of our humanity; when in reality what we see around us is not set in stone; in fact it is set in nothing. Ours is a world of perpetual motion; of rhythmic, harmonic, chaotic motion. The kind of motion that sees the heavens move above us in a scale that we can not behold with the naked eye and can only be seen and understood by the believing eye.
Next time you look at the stars think about how far they are; think about how big they are; think about what they are. Free your mind from immediate satisfaction which provides a false sense of security and enter into a world where any person you meet could be part of your wealth of life, part of your wealth of love, and part of your life of abundance; because they are.
Opportunity is a word used to describe the unexplainable; perhaps a coincidence. Coincidence really means to fall through; to fall through the hole of falsehood and see the beauty of a reality filled with color, light, passion, and love. Opportunity and coincidence seem to fall under the same category of the fantastic, the mystic, the supernatural; when the real category is the perfect harmony of the universe working together with the perfect harmony of the soul to create a divine being, a perfect god. Next time you meet a stranger think of the stars in the universe, think of the perfection of creation, think of the fullness of possibility. You become what you think about; think about the universe and become one with it. It is already a part of you, it's power already feeds you; let it in and let yourself reconnect with it, become whole again, and become whole forever after.
Seize every moment, every opportunity, and seize your universe.

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